Wednesday, January 28, 2015


So there's this really intense new app that can basically do anything except turn you into a baboon... Maybe it can under the wild section I didn't check.

As a designer I believe in the power of manipulating a photo...  It wasn't created to manipulate our bodies or faces, but it's used for that in a major major way. Heck, I've done it. But how far is too far?

It's impressive how accurate the app is.  But it just reminds me of that South Park episode...

I tried the app anyway... This is the original photo which features no make up or you know... Any type of emotional expression. It also looks like I have a black eye that I'm pretty sure I acquired in my sleep. I sleep on my fist sometimes.

So once they analyze your photo, you could go the preset route, in which you can choose from 50 different looks:
Some are dramatic
 Some are more subtle
Some are straight up ridiculous!
There is also an option to dig in and personalize. For this I went all out:

Look, I even made myself smile. This is crazy. You can thin your face and everything. The fact that I did nothing to my hair doesn't really matter because it looks on purpose with the makeup.
This is a cool app, but it's not really me, is it? The eyes look almost fake now. So weird.
Don't lose yourself and what makes you beautiful by something that isn't real. You are beautiful!
Lots of love,
Samantha the fatulous

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