Thursday, January 22, 2015

Reinventing Your Space

Let's face it, with all our technology, when something is out of sight it's out of mind.

For me, it's my jewelry box. I just don't have a place for it so it's hidden away in the closet... So I never end up wearing jewelry.

I don't think I'm the only one here. I just feel like many people now don't utilize jewelry boxes. I see friends constantly hanging their necklaces all over the place. Well I have an alternative for you now.

I've been researching them for months, but they tend to be a bit expensive. A new way to organize your jewelry while using the object as something else as well!

Door Hanger , $59.99

I recommend using this in your closet, so you can mix and match easily with the clothes you will be wearing that day.

Dress it up with some photos of your friends and it's just a little something to look at and make you happy. Super cute.
Super in love with this. Your jewelry hidden behind the mirror. It makes it so easy to finish an outfit.
And here is the one I stumbled upon at TJ Maxx:
It's a jewelry box hidden within a picture frame. It was on super sale for only $25.00. So lucky they had them. So I went with a floating lanterns theme from my wedding and voila!

  The only downside is that I couldn't fit EVERYTHING as it's a smaller holder... And I definitely couldn't fit my chunky pieces. But I still have my old jewelry box and at least this way I can go over to this one and it will remind me that I have other pieces that could fit with the outfit.
Lots of love,
Samantha the fatulous

1 comment:

  1. They have the floor length mirror thing at Target for $40, and it fits all of my jewelry.
