Monday, January 12, 2015

I Have a New Favorite Book... And You Need to Read it.

I literally laughed. I literally cried. None of the lol nonsense.

It was actually on the list of plus size books I recommended a few posts ago.

Reasons I fell for the funny fat friend...


So after writing my last post, I was feeling kind of down even though it was uplifting... I'm not Sia--I'm not made of Titanium you know!

Reasons you should read this book:

1. All the characters are believable. At first I thought the book was going to be over the top, but after a few pages I was really feeling for each character... Even the ones that aren't super important to the plot. The main character is what I would assume a 17 year old boy would think about. He jokes about farts and is obsessed with boobs.

2. I couldn't put it down. I stayed up till 4 in the morning to find out what happened because the story is interesting and different.

3. As a bigger person I can totally relate to the main female, the 'FFF'. The author perfectly projects feelings I think many plus size people deal with. She is incapable of understanding why someone would want to be with her when there is someone else, anyone else that you could be with. She just really encompasses what it's like to be aware of your size. And despite the fact that she has some serious things going on in her life, she's upbeat and kooky and I kind of love that.

4. Parental fixation with wanting their child to be thin. Hers is an extreme case, but it's something I went through. I cried every time 'Cruella' showed up. I don't think my mother meant to hurt me by buying me healthy food I didn't like instead of healthy food I did like... Or buying clothes a size too small... And I don't think she meant to be hurtful when she confronted me about it. But parental fixation with weight can be really damaging in the long run, and reading about a different situation I just became emotional about it. I just wanted her to see me as perfect, and when these things happened I didn't feel perfect.

5. I was laughing out loud pretty much every other chapter. They're funny. They're believable. I don't want to give anything away. Trust me you will laugh.

6. There was true consensual sex. And by that I mean, they truly respected each other every step of the way, even with just a simple kiss. This is so so so important because there are indeed a lot of blurred lines Robin Thicke and rape is not sexy. They say it 'kills the mood' to ask at every step but honestly after reading an example... Well I thought it was extremely hot. And romantic. And perfect.


7. It addresses a lot of double standards and handles them correctly. The main character preaches but doesn't practice what he preaches about. That's all I will say about that.

8. The way it's written, you can tell the author really put her soul into it. Everything was put in for a reason. It just feels whole and complete. Plus I loved it so much I read the acknowledgements which are super cute.

I mean it, you won't regret it. It's so powerful and amazing. I'm probably going to reread it forever--as I do with my favorite books.

Lots of love,
Samantha the Fatulous

1 comment:

  1. <3 Couldn't agree more. It's one of my fave books of all time, and Hayley is one of my fave book girls. How can you not love her?
