Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fat Fiction

I love to read. It's one of my truly favorite things. My only problem is I am super picky. Never go to the book store with me, we will be there for hours till I find THE ONE. My husband often leaves me and heads to the music or horror sections to browse. Something I've never really considered reading is fiction where the protagonist is plus size. I don't even know if I've ever seen one at the store. Well, I did some research and found some that sound quite interesting.

Woah, so this book definitely sounds like an emotional rollercoaster. The main character gains weight in order to deal with troubles from her past. Her life spins out of control. Follow her on her journey to get that control back!

Trigger warning

A girl learns to love herself and her large breasts. Also apparently there's loads of sex. Not in the romance novel way. In the totally awkward kind of way.
Plus I'm always down to support my big breasted kin.  
This one is hard for me because I always felt like the DUFF... But it has great reviews--it's also becoming a movie. Well, it seems pretty predictable to me. She feels like a DUFF, this guy calls her a DUFF... then there's a romance somewhere.

Being compared to everyone can be tough... So when her aunt asks her to be a bridesmaid in 10 weeks she decides she needs to lose 45 pounds. She apparently tries everything under the sun... I'm interested to see what her conclusion is at the end. Not if she lost the weight but how she felt after.
I'm really excited for this one. The guy falls for this girl who is trying to play matchmaker for him... But she doesn't believe it possible because she doesn't see herself worth that. I'm a sucker for love mmm kay
If anyone would like to read these with me, please let me know. Maybe we can start a little book club!
I'm actually really excited about all the books in this post and I hope you are too!
Lots of love,
Samantha the Fatulous

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