Monday, January 5, 2015

Self Image vs. Weight Goals

With the pressures from the media it's easy to feel imperfect. But I'm here to tell you that you are perfect in every way.

Working out should be a constant in everyone's lives to stay healthy, and its great to have goals... But you don't have to pick yourself apart to get there. You may overexert yourself and get hurt, or give up.

Consider this:

According to livestrong, losing more than 6 to 8 pounds a month is more likely to be water weight or muscle mass and is likely to be gained back. It is possible to get up to 15 or 20 off and keep it off with strict discipline... Though can be dangerous.

Obviously the weight doesn't disappear overnight. How are you going to spend your days? Looking in the mirror, unhappy with your body? No! That's no way to live. That will be carried in your week, your relationships, and your friendships.

I always found it ironic that my friends complained about their weight to me. I thought, "Well damn, what hope do I have of self love when this beautiful person cannot see how gorgeous they are?"

I created my own hope. Readers, I did this every day and I want you to do this as well.

Every day, I look in the mirror and find one thing I like about myself and the way I look. And in the beginning it's important not to repeat. Also, if you choose to work out and improve your fitness, instead of pointing out what hasn't changed try and look at the positives and what has.

This way you will be excited about your goals and, having a positive outlook, are more likely to stick with your regimen. Once again, things don't change overnight so if you're in the beginning the change you're making could be simply exercising. That's great!

If you don't go to the gym, well that's your choice and no one's damn business. Remember, this is your life and you control it.

But I do have to say getting into the groove on the elliptical while jamming to my music is one of my favorite things. If all else fails make it fun for you!

 I'm just lucky enough to have a gym on my property. You may have no time... You might have a kid or demanding hours at work. I get it. Other people don't have to. Haters gonna hate. Graters gonna grate.

That's all for me my fabulous readers. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Also, there's no one quite like you and I think that's what makes you perfect.

Lots of love,
Samantha the fatulous

1 comment:

  1. "Well damn, what hope do I have of self love when this beautiful person cannot see how gorgeous they are?"

    Been there myself too! It's incredible how little people are encouraged to love themselves.
