Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Model Makes History

One of my readers asked me to write about Tess Munster, who just made history by being the first size 22 to be signed to a major model management company: MiLK Management Company. Looking into the company, they are completely plus size friendly and it's super exciting.

She's a 5'5 woman who is a stunning 29 years of awesome from Mississippi. She has makeup tutorials on youtube and she's quite opinionated. She was found by an agent on a plus size modeling website and became a hit overnight it seems.

She also writes a pretty awesome blog on her website:


Check her out!

This has actually happened before. A model who is praised for revolutionizing the model industry...

Twiggy. Twiggy made it in to be thin. Before Twiggy, it was cool for women to have curves.

It's not Twiggy's fault that she was so thin, and it's not her fault that the entire world decided her look was the only acceptable look... But no way in hell will I ever praise Twiggy for making 'thin' the only way to be. Thinking about Twiggy makes me mad when I think about how many women have body issues today.

It's probably not fair that I blame this all on her. I don't believe in skinny shaming. I think there should be NO body shaming. We're all different and that's FINE.

So I'm so glad Tess is becoming recognized. She's so much more than a sexy model, she also has her own self love campaign. #Effyourbeautystandards 

It sounds like we're meant to be BFFs.

She even poses nude... Which between you and I, random reader... Has been a secret wish of mine. I mean, I think the human body is beautiful and people take nudity way too seriously. It's sexual when you make it sexual. If I could, I would never wear pants. And the local  Market Basket sure knows I don't always want to wear a bra.

Consider bikinis, which are often more revealing than bras and underwear. You're totally cool with looking at someone in a bikini, right? (Looking not gawking)

As soon as it's underwear it's taboo. It doesn't make sense, but society tells you that's what is right. It's silly I tell you.

Back to Tess, I'm so glad young ladies can have a model they can look up to and say, I'm her size and she's beautiful. It opens the doors to self love in the plus size community.

She's the balance that Twiggy created. Maybe, slowly, all body types will be considered beautiful? It's most definitely a step in the right direction.

I wanna be a plus size modelllll (whine voice). Yeah right (adult voice)

Lots of love,
Samantha the fatulous.


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