Friday, January 16, 2015

Delete Diet

Diets annoy me. The word, the concept... Everything about them. There's a reason they don't work. Diets are temporary. Living a healthy lifestyle is forever. And doing so, there IS more than one way. You need to figure out which way works for you. What YOU can live with.

When I was young, I was forced to eat foods I did not like. I was told it was because of my weight. So I cried in secret and snuck unhealthy foods I could get my hands on.

It's easy to find delicious healthy food, you have to experiment. You have to commit to things.

When have temporary changes ever worked in any part of life?

In relationships, it's normal to fight or discuss problems. If you were to only change for a few days and the problem persists... Then the relationship becomes toxic. You'll keep fighting. No. You need to find a common ground. Something you both can live with.

Don't diet your relationship. Love is worth compromising over. But most important is to love yourself. There's a difference between compromising and being walked over. Relationships should be equal.

And as far as loving yourself when food and exercise is involved-- if you don't love it you're going to revert to old habits. Make that lifestyle change. I know that may sound weird from a plus size girl. But I'm still figuring out what foods and exercise makes me happy. Right now I'm trying the Nutribullet--which I can see doing forever. It's easy and makes me genuinely full. I'm also trying zumba at home. If you literally don't even have to leave your house then you have no excuse, right? hahaha but really it's dancing--and dancing is my favorite thing in the world so I can see myself keeping at it long term.

What about you, readers? What 'diets' are you dropping for some good ol' lifestyle changes?

Lots of Love,
Samantha the Fatulous

1 comment:

  1. Awesome awesome. Something sustainable for yourself and your goals = a good diet. I like to refer to the kinds of structured Diets that are often used for/described as punishments as Diets with a capital D. It's an infrastructure, and often a damaging one.

    You are so right about exercise and happiness. I used to consider myself so lazy. I love love love CrossFit right now though. It was kind of intimidating at first, but there are all kinds of people there and it's totally scale-able to your abilities. You can push as hard as you want or are able to. I never thought I'd stick with any kind of exercise for this long (2.5 months now), I usually quit because it's not fun and/or I get bored.
