Thursday, February 12, 2015

Super Applyer

Sorry for the write break. As most of you know I just got my license for the first time ever so I had more options for getting a job. Well that's all I've been doing the last week or so. I've been applying so much I'm considering taking an unconventional route to get noticed, here are a few of my ideas

1. Walk in to a prospective company with my applications with a boombox over my shoulder that's playing Abba, 'Take a Chance on Me'.

2. Just act like I already work there

3. Throw my boring cover letter out the window and just talk about how awesome I am.
4. Find out where all these HR people hang out and put on the charm.
Hey, if they would just meet me or look at my work... GAH
Lots of love,
Samantha the Fatulous


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