Monday, February 9, 2015


So I'm watching this show on Netflix called, 'Beyond Scared Straight'. My husband hates it because he thinks it's mean. It makes me cry, but not for the reason you think. These parents love their kids so much it actually makes me cry. You can see it, they're pleading with their kids to live and make different choices. It's hard in some neighborhoods... The pressures and the lifestyle. It's easy to feel you don't have another choice.

I hope I get to be a good parent one day, though I seriously hope I don't have to beg them to avoid a life of crime.

Chris and I decided a few years ago that adoption would be a better option for us. We want to pay that forward. But I don't like pain, for one. Another is that we are both completely capable of loving and caring for a child even if it didn't come out of my womb. He was adopted and was very lucky. His family is amazing. There are so many kids in the system... But do you know how hard it is to adopt?

The whole system is nuts. People want to make it more difficult to get an abortion.  Kids are put up for adoption all the time... And when someone wants to adopt they make it extremely extremely difficult and expensive. To adopt a newborn in Massachusetts it's about $30,000. To adopt a toddler from another country it's around $20,000. I think it's less as their age gets higher. Even then, say you choose a newborn. You have to have a background check, fill out stacks of paperwork, a social worker has to approve your home, a mother has to choose you... And even then she has six months to change her mind. You don't get your money back.

We have a list we are going to complete before we begin. Most important being that I need a job. From there we will be looking for land to buy. I'm blessed to be related to some of the best carpenters in New England. Once the house is complete and we both feel ready, well then we will begin our journey. I'm so excited... We will be the best parents. Our child will be so loved.

Lots of love,
Samantha the fatulous

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