Tuesday, December 30, 2014


As tomorrow is the big night and the start of a new year, it's time to start thinking about the things we wish to improve upon and what we wish to let go of. The resolution, a tradition in our society, is always what is most important to us--or what we think is most important. Relationships, weight loss, jobs; but I believe that something is VASTLY being unconsidered.

Loving yourself should be everyone's main priority. Consider, that if you love yourself that others are more likely to see your potential in every way. It starts with you. If you believe in yourself, you will have confidence in that job interview. You will have the means to be yourself in social situations, attracting potential lovers. You may even gain the drive to go to the gym and work on your health.

I think many people, especially people who do not have great self confidence, end up falling into a pattern of trying to make others happy to gain approval. I fell into this for years. In the end, though, it wasn't enough. Yes, it's good to have support from loved ones. But, no, you can't rely on it. People are unpredictable, uncontrollable. They may not show you the love you want or expect. You are only in charge of you.

So how do you do it then? I'm no expert and the journey is different for everyone. But I can tell you what worked for me. I want my readers to make a list of 10 activities that make YOU happy that doesn't have to do with pleasing anyone else. It may be harder then it sounds. And it's important to have some activities that are more than just sitting around. You need to do something, live, in things that make you happy.

1. Go on walk with headphones and observe surroundings
2. Paint
3. Play Kingdom Hearts
4. Photograph nothing in particular
5. Cook something new without directions
6. Sing and dance loudly and poorly in private
7. Write poetry or a story
8. Read
9. Go rollerblading or ice skating
10. Sew

me hahahahha

And to be clear, you don't have to be good at something in order for you to enjoy it. Half the battle is to learn. To learn to be better, to feel better. To know that in everything you do, you're the best you that can exist because you're doing things you love.

That you are more than enough.

So whatever you do for the new year, I hope you are surrounded by loved ones, and that you can count yourself as loved.

Lots of love,
Samantha the Fatulous

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