Sunday, December 21, 2014

Boston is not for the Fatulous

I'm a proud New Englander. I miss my Old Man on the Mountain. I love beer and St. Patrick's Day. I'm not super into sports but don't you dare insult any of my home teams. I lived in Boston for over a year. I loved the culture and the diversity. I loved my morning commute on the T, sipping my Dunks while stopping into Bruegger's for the best bagel ever while blasting my music. I loved the history, the noise, almost everything. I did not like shopping in the city. I hated it actually. It wasn't the prices, or anything to do with the workers who I assure you, are all quite welcoming. It's hard being a fatty in the big city.

I tried my best for months to pull together what I could find to look professional at my first job right out of college. My thin coworkers just didn't understand the struggle. One even called me frumpy. I was filled with rage by this because I was poor, I was trying, and I had attempted to look the best I could. I care about how I look, but in Boston, you are quite limited to where one can shop. Many plus size friendly shops have closed near Newbury Street... I googled while walking from location to location just to find something in my size. There is a really cool joint, the only place I found actually, that has plus size pin-up style clothes. I am decidedly not cool enough to pull this off in a professional setting.

For a while, I gave up. Discouraged by my frustration of being the least fashionable at work, I stopped wearing make up and just put on whatever I could find in the morning. I feel like for my larger ladies, this happens a lot. BUT DO NOT DESPAIR my big booty beauties. There are other options out there. I have spent months looking into self love, and self expression. Looking for where to shop (mostly online) and how to learn to love yourself. So, this is what I would like to share with all of you. Each day will be different... But I hope you take this journey with me. And hopefully, we will both get something out of it!

Lots of love,
Samantha the Fatulous

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