Friday, March 27, 2015

Why Everyone Should Go To A Drag Show

Fitchburg State has a lot of issues. It's not the safest neighborhood... The administration makes some questionable decisions that do not benefit the students. But student life... That's one of the biggest reasons to go to Fitchburg. There's so many events that are student hosted. Like, every night there are events worth going to. There's one event though... It's bigger than the annual concert... Bigger than the raves, the comedy nights, the casino nights... That's Fitchburg State University's Drag Show. You really can't miss it. It's an open and free environment that everyone can be themselves. That, to me, makes a good atmosphere.

1. The talent

How creative do you have to be to rework these classic songs in a hilarious and interesting way. Plus, I can't walk in heels, nevermind dance in them so kudos to the heel dancing community, I suck.

2. The fashion

Everything is so glamorous. The shoes, the costumes, the hair, the makeup. Some of the boobs even rivaled my own! There's clever costume changes... Beautiful hair... I just love the looks!

3. What's on the inside

The guts to be who you want to be in a society that makes up rules that really don't matter. The world Is beautiful because of our differences. Not only that but guys that you go to college with actually sign up to get dressed up for the crowd. It's not even a question about being worried of being bullied after because it's not like that. The people that go up are awesome and get nothing but love and support.

4.The Fund Raising

All ticket proceeds go to a local charity every year. Also, this is the location for pro-equality which is so important. With over 1000 tickets sold-- $10 for non students and $5 for students I think... Just imagine the money they raised for a local charity. A bonus-- one of the dancers sold her left tit for $80. Signed and kissed.

5. The Fun

Dancing on tables, breaking chairs, some extra special attention... You're going to have a good time. There's jokes, lip syncing... REAL SINGING! It's all magical.

So what I'm saying is... if you didn't go last night you missed out. GO NEXT YEAR! Or look for local opportunities. You will love it. One more picture:

Samantha the Fatulous

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