Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rumor Has It

Everybody talks about everybody... It's our society. I'm the first to say I like to know what's going on in my friend's lives. Usually in this case, it's a positive conversation, like this:

"Did you hear Kristen is pregnant?"
"No, but that's so exciting!"

Or when you get in a fight with someone, you're going to vent. That makes sense, you can't get mad at someone for venting as long as the situation is eventually resolved.

There are the people you are cordial with because you have to be. It's clear you don't see eye to eye but there's respect there. But behind closed doors, you're going to vent.

There are the people you just don't get along with.. Again, you vent... But it can't prevent your day to day life or theirs. The stories are good though!

Then there is the last group... The group that pretends to like you then talks poorly about you. I don't understand this group. If I think you like me, you act like you are excited to see me, then why do I keep hearing rumors?

It's frustrating that I genuinely try to be nice to everyone. I have to accept that not everyone is going to like me. But what am I to do now? Every time I hear a rumor it's harder to pretend I don't know. It's hard to accept these excited greetings.

No one likes to be talked about. Sometimes you gotta shake it off. Sometimes you just gotta keep on keeping on.

Samantha the Fatulous

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