Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Eye of a Storm

Hello readers,

I ask that you keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. Usually I am more open in hard times, but in the case... I'm only really telling people who need to know... And I can't write about it... That's not what this post is about.

It's inspired about my boss, actually. I e-mailed her last night to tell her about the current situation, and she replied just as I got into my car to drive to work.

This woman, she's what I hope to be like one day. She's so kind and caring. She smiles and it makes you excited to be in her presence. She inspires you, makes you want to be your very best. She's the type of person who would give you everything, and expect nothing. Though I did not expect it, she gave me the day off to really deal with what's going on. She too, is going through a difficult situation and she said something so beautiful that it stuck with me.

In her case, she will wake up and take in the beauty of her surroundings, and end the day the same as well.

Have you done this readers? I find that in many ways, it's how I've survived my hardships... Big and small.

For instance, my last two blogs were directed toward a confrontation with someone I know. Well I was assigned to work at the pool to get to know the person who runs it and the general day to day activities. I didn't feel right swimming and getting paid for it so I waited ALL DAY till my shift ended to jump in. For anyone who knows me, I'm happiest in the water.

So the conflict was on my mind as I sat and watched people swim, because a large part of me believe that there is a solution to everything, if I work hard enough. But once I jumped in, I laid on my back and swam peacefully back and forth across the pool. My ears underwater, total silence, looking at the ceiling I was in the eye of my personal storm. A moment for me. I was at peace.

Another big one for me is graphic design. If something is going on I will just put on my headphones and create something. Focus, control, determination, creating something beautiful. It makes me calm.

You know, unfortunately everyone will have their personal baggage. We all deal with it in unique ways. I urge you to find your moment of peace. Whether it be going out to dinner with friends, dancing your troubles away, or just gazing at the sunset... It will do you a lot of good.

We're all human and all you can do is try your best to deal with crazy, beautiful, complicated life.

Lots of love,
Samantha the appreciative

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